The Making of "Connected" from Tony Gonzalez on Vimeo.
BIG UPS MISK1,keeping graffiti(ART) innovative and fresh...
Thursday, December 31, 2009
Next Level Thinking..
This gave me nightmares...
Major Lazer "Keep it Going Louder" from Eric Wareheim on Vimeo.
ps. Did I ever tell you how much I Love NINA SKY...I'm looking for my own Nina Sky
For now I bid you farewell...
My apologies for not posting anything these last couple of weeks, the holidays are always a busy time and unfortunately there's been a nasty bug going around and I happily caught both of them. Being sick is good cause it gives you a reason to play hooky but it also cripples the creative and motivational bone in my body. So my sites been dormant for a bit, its also given me plenty of time to go threw and really nit pick my site for improvements.
Which brings me to my post, For the next couple of months I will put my site into hibernation for some sprucing up and cleaning. By the way during art school I rebeled against the technological part of my education carrying the ol skool mentality that I do. Believe me it just crippled me in the end( so if there are any computer savy people out there, that would be willing to trade for REFRIED product of art). I need some small work done
-email me if your interested
With all that being said I will leave you with some up and coming projects that I'm really excited about as well as some artist that I have been watching closely...
Which brings me to my post, For the next couple of months I will put my site into hibernation for some sprucing up and cleaning. By the way during art school I rebeled against the technological part of my education carrying the ol skool mentality that I do. Believe me it just crippled me in the end( so if there are any computer savy people out there, that would be willing to trade for REFRIED product of art). I need some small work done
-email me if your interested
With all that being said I will leave you with some up and coming projects that I'm really excited about as well as some artist that I have been watching closely...
Monday, December 14, 2009
Tokyo Lust!
The Big "Hurt" and I went out Saturday night to a friends(Angelica) end of the year dance party...Her store Tokyo Hardcore, go check the goods if you get a chance...They have some gems...especially in Burque...It was being held at Nese's Gallery...and turned out to be an interesting night with wee hour walks in icebox weather...It was fun, its always dope to get some brother time with "Big Hurt" in especially when theirs booze, pool, and late night walks in the Burque..Here are some pictures of the wall that was done for the event(Apologies for not knowing the artist)...

Big Up's TOKYO HARDCORE!!! reppin authentic flavor.

Big Up's TOKYO HARDCORE!!! reppin authentic flavor.
Wednesday, December 9, 2009
Sunday, December 6, 2009
Style Jock
So if you have read any of my blogs within the last year, you have come to understand that POSE AWR/MSK, The Seventh Letter, We Are Supervision, is the biggest influence on my work...His style of stacking images like a totem pole is very reminiscent of vintage Horror Posters...I love it!!! He also utilizes what they call "special effects" to the images to give them a hyper sense of movement, again I Love it!!! These are all things that I have been practicing and working on, eventually I'm working towards my own development in this style...There are few artists in my world that have such a strong style that makes me want to own the techniques and have them fully developed and equipped for the future...
Saturday, November 28, 2009
"La Nuevalitra"

Today was a good day, the weather was a bit gloomy and cold...That was a good enough reason for me to stay and get some diggin done..."La Nuevalitra" aka Mona is turning out really good...I wanted to keep the integrity of Mona's eyes...Their very big and enthralling, just one of the reasons I was attracted to her look...But still keep with the mysterious qualities of the concept...I was also really inspired by my good friend Josef Jasso recent show(now showing at Pop Gallery in Santa Fe)...He utilized tears to visually represent pain and I really loved that about the prints...All in all were moving forward at a positive pace....
Till next time...
Saturday, November 21, 2009
New Beginnings
I've lately been falling into a direction of new beginnings, with people as well artistically...New hope, New curiosity. I believe curiosity is humans greatest attribute, it keeps us ever wide eyed to the possibilities of exciting and spontaneous situations and experiences...With a new year snipping at our heels I find myself trying to organize the next year of my life, only really wanting spontaneous love, surprising kisses, and a piece of my heart that is open to growth and curiosity...
These are progression photos of a new panel I'm working towards maintaining the overall concept and theme of my series Devil's Gasoline...With the past panels in this series really encapsulating strong emotions and desires through the visual representation of a facet of death.
"The Ghost of Serpentine's Spine takes on guilt and regret...While in "You Bring out the MONSTER in ME" tackles the relationship between two people and the cause and affect of sudden death...Leaving the person lost with guilt of "A what could of happened"...mentality...The monster embodies my own feelings towards losing the love of my life and what kind of person it would make me....
Which brings me to my new panel "La Nuevalitra" kinda of the birth of a slang word meaning "New Light" For me she really is the visual representation of my feelings towards the new year...the light at the end of the tunnel...The hope after the feelings of loss appear..
-Ill be trying to post progressions as I get more and more done...
Thank you Mona...
Wednesday, November 18, 2009
Bless Tempt ONE!!!
Caught this via.
They explain TEMPTS condition with in the video, I hope you all enjoy how this little device known as the eye tracker changes paralysis victims...To once again have a little freedom that we take for granted everyday of our lives...This gave me the chills....
Saturday, November 14, 2009
One of my most favorite people in the world Josef Jasso aka Gossip Photography...Will be showing new works at the PoP Gallery in Santa Fe...I'm so very proud of him...I feel special having the opportunity to see him grow from shooting out of his loft on the west side, to establishing himself outside of Albuquerque...He is the one person in my life who pushes me as an artist...These are the kind of people that are gems and should never be let go of...His work is amazing and should be seen by everyone...If you get a chance go by POP if not check out his website:
Thursday, November 5, 2009
May Halloween go on all year!
This film, Luis, is the second short in a series titled Lucia, Luis y el lobo by Chilean artists Niles Atallah, Cristobal Leon, and Joaquin CociƱa. via.
Saturday, October 31, 2009
Happy Halloween!

This evening I tried my hand at doing some makeup, this is the first time that I have tried anything like this...It was fun, messy and skin sucks to work with but its something that can be overcome by practice. I also made the hair piece which is a prototype for my new brooch "ROSIE."..The sculpt took to my concept so I think its time to mass produce...All in all it was a great Halloween, nice and chill!!!
Everyone be Safe out there...
Wednesday, October 28, 2009
"Craola getting Wicked"
Tuesday November 3, 2009 at Gallery 1988; as Greg “Craola” Simkins introduces you to “The Pearl Thief”. A new collection of paintings and drawings which holds a secret back story for those who can find what is going on in the minds inside of Simkins’ world.
Tuesday, October 27, 2009
Sunday, October 25, 2009
Wednesday, October 21, 2009
Saturday, October 17, 2009
This is my new favorite movie, what can I say...One of the biggest influence in my life is scary/horror movies...I was fed horror flicks as a child, my grandma was obsessed. her shelves were filled with endless titles of classic horror...But this flick is on a whole other level of creepy! The fear feels very organic, I spent 90% of the movie with chills running up and down my spine...Not for the faint of heart, it will definitely leave you with a sleepless night....
Two thumbs up!!!
Wednesday, October 14, 2009
Monday, October 12, 2009
Sunday, October 11, 2009
Thursday, October 8, 2009
For all you Camera Snobs out there...
Kiel Johnson's Cardboard Twin Lens Reflex Camera Time Lapse from Theo Jemison on Vimeo.
Kiel Johnson just sent me this incredible time lapse video. Watch how he takes ordinary cardboard and turns it into something so out of the ordinary, and beautiful. The video was shot by Theo Jemison and edited by Arthur Mor. Tooken via.
Tuesday, October 6, 2009
"Oldie but Goodie"
I also like to do religious work...After the Mother Teresa I did for my mom...I wanted to do something that I had always grown up seeing...Of course Lady of Guadalupe came to mind. Living in Catholic/Hispanic environment she made many appearances through my childhood...If just felt natural to illustrate her, and the end result was something I enjoyed looking at, to this day she is beautiful to me...(Pardon the EGO)...My technique could always use work but the natural progression of the panel really evolved into a piece with hidden tonal meanings...I think this was also the first time I had worked with gold leaf, its like learning to draw all over again...
-I'm rambling...
IRONLAK Team Video- Chicago
Ironlak Team USA in Chicago | Sept 2009. from Ironlak on Vimeo.
-POSE kills it...I'm a POSE groupie and damn proud of it!!!!
Sunday, October 4, 2009
"Like a kid in a candy store"
I get so excited when I see that many cats banging a wall...Shits bananas!!! I feel like a kid in a candy store, my eyes jus buggin on all the wicked styles(EGO)that are in full affect...i can't explain it, it's just that feeling you get when your mind is BLOWN...enjoy
Girls, Gold, and Graffiti!!!
Girls, Gold, and Graffiti!!!
TC5 30th anniversary + Meeting of Styles Montreal '09 from Phil Arsenault on Vimeo.
Saturday, October 3, 2009
"Silver Skate Jam"

It was a nice day to paint...I met up with my girl Dre and we embarked to silver skate shop for a day of painting. She was a doll and helped with all the fills...Bless her heart for putting up with my intolerance...But we braved thru and the end result was better than I hope...It was also good to paint with NESE (CHE), CHALE, SMUG...Everyone put down equally, I'll be posting a flick of the entire thing NESE's piece was on point as usual...
I've been working on this new character in my world, I'm calling him "Rosie." He's a half skull half rose...He was born in my home room in middle school..There were these kids that would doodle old school roses and lowrider rims...I always envied them so much I could never get them to look like theirs...I eventually taught myself..In a way it pushed me to work harder on the rims and the roses...Any who, all in all it was a great weekend, I haven't picked up a can in awhile, so to get down on a wall, it felt good just to chill and freestyle a piece...
-One love to all four elements...
Monday, September 28, 2009
GO Festival!
GO! Festival on Gold St. was a smash this year...If you happen to miss the festivities, you SUCK! Just kidding but you did miss out! There was an exceptional pool of artists/people...Everyone was so welcoming to the new fish and it really felt like a community of creativity...The diversity of styles as well as personalities was really the highlight of the weekend...I met so many people that left a lasting impression with me...I've decided I will be dedicating a post each day to each individual artist that I met...I took my own pictures but I will also be posting links to their websites/future events...I'm going to try to get the first up tonight but I really want to get all the information I can to present to you guys so it might take me a day or so...Please keeping checking back over the next couple of weeks for artist updates.
Thanks to everyone that came out and supported!!!! I couldn't have kept such a positive attitude thru out the weekend without every ones love and support...
Saturday, September 19, 2009
OG Abel
I grew up wearing OG Abels designs. Being a avid consumer of TRIBAL GEAR, OG Abel has been doing design work for them since I was a toy. Been a fan ever since.

There is a great interview with him via.
This is guy is really amazing, his line work is exceptional and his concepts are both beautiful as well as horrific...
Wednesday, September 16, 2009
"Goodie Boxes"

-I apologize for the glare, I'll get a better picture up here soon.
(Left)Strawberry Kush
ScratchBord Mixed Media
Smoking Kills
(Right)Sour Diesel
ScratchBord Mixed Media
Smoking Kills
These ladies are part of my "Smoking Kills" series. It's a limited 10 panel run encompassing this concept/theme. Each lady is a manifestation of a different strain of Cannabis. Having had a extensive interest in the attitude towards Cannabis and the culture surrounding it. I decided to take my time researching the individual strains. Studying the qualities of each IE: Visual attributes, Region, Smoking characteristics, etc.... I feel that each painting is the ideal beauty...
This is merely MY feelings towards Cannabis Culture...
Tuesday, September 15, 2009
Thursday, September 10, 2009
Sunday, September 6, 2009
The Big Hurt

This is my favortie shirt, my lil brother aka the BIG HURT is a huge biggie fan...I think he actually copped this out in Alabama on a skating trip...
He also forwarded me this montage of some Burque heads throwing down at LA (Los Altos) and Calvary. Big Hurt dropping kickflip backside 50-50 and kickflip backside 5-0 on the square side of Hubba ledge. I love this kid if you ever see him around Burque give a holla, he'll holla back!!!
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