Thursday, December 31, 2009

For now I bid you farewell...

My apologies for not posting anything these last couple of weeks, the holidays are always a busy time and unfortunately there's been a nasty bug going around and I happily caught both of them. Being sick is good cause it gives you a reason to play hooky but it also cripples the creative and motivational bone in my body. So my sites been dormant for a bit, its also given me plenty of time to go threw and really nit pick my site for improvements.

Which brings me to my post, For the next couple of months I will put my site into hibernation for some sprucing up and cleaning. By the way during art school I rebeled against the technological part of my education carrying the ol skool mentality that I do. Believe me it just crippled me in the end( so if there are any computer savy people out there, that would be willing to trade for REFRIED product of art). I need some small work done
-email me if your interested

With all that being said I will leave you with some up and coming projects that I'm really excited about as well as some artist that I have been watching closely...


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