Wednesday, March 10, 2010

Were back in business

I've been absent for a short minute. Been busy spreading myself extremely thin with various projects as well as getting a few commercial jobs in the process, I promise to start updating this as much as possible.

So let's play catch up in a short paragraph jus to bring you up to speed with life, I've in the past two months managed to get a promotion(woop woop) but on the down side its taking away from my art/business. But you got to make money to spend money, I think thats how it goes. As well as starting a new collective with my bestie Josef aka Gossip Photography. My other bestie moved to Denver which now leaves me with a reason to shoot for a show up north with her help..Shes already been on the grind finding galleries that would fit my steeze...All the while trying to double the amount of shows I did last year which for the beginning of the year is looking promising...With a possible show in Santa Fe(SWEET!!!) I've slowed down on the scratchbord and resumed stead fast work with REFRIED, really trying to push into the market this year. A few limited items as well as a few mass releases, I'm really excited for the REFRIED toy release but for now its going to stay under wraps...All in all its going to be a fun and exhausting year, did I mention I found an amazing designer by the name of CHEY boogie, who as we speak is finishing up the womens line for a sub-brand under REFRIED...Sub-label with no name as of now, I'm leaning towards METIROSA(will save that story for another post)...I'm really excited to work with chey cause her work ethic is bomb and shes really pushing me to get my shit together...for now I think I've spoken to much so the next couple posts will be photos of finished as well as progress pics of projects for the future...Hope to see you all back here.


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