Saturday, November 28, 2009

"La Nuevalitra"

ELMER,Albuquerque,Scratchbord,New Mexico,Ampersand,Burque,REFRIED

Today was a good day, the weather was a bit gloomy and cold...That was a good enough reason for me to stay and get some diggin done..."La Nuevalitra" aka Mona is turning out really good...I wanted to keep the integrity of Mona's eyes...Their very big and enthralling, just one of the reasons I was attracted to her look...But still keep with the mysterious qualities of the concept...I was also really inspired by my good friend Josef Jasso recent show(now showing at Pop Gallery in Santa Fe)...He utilized tears to visually represent pain and I really loved that about the prints...All in all were moving forward at a positive pace....

Till next time...


Saturday, November 21, 2009

New Beginnings

I've lately been falling into a direction of new beginnings, with people as well artistically...New hope, New curiosity. I believe curiosity is humans greatest attribute, it keeps us ever wide eyed to the possibilities of exciting and spontaneous situations and experiences...With a new year snipping at our heels I find myself trying to organize the next year of my life, only really wanting spontaneous love, surprising kisses, and a piece of my heart that is open to growth and curiosity...

These are progression photos of a new panel I'm working towards maintaining the overall concept and theme of my series Devil's Gasoline...With the past panels in this series really encapsulating strong emotions and desires through the visual representation of a facet of death.

"The Ghost of Serpentine's Spine takes on guilt and regret...While in "You Bring out the MONSTER in ME" tackles the relationship between two people and the cause and affect of sudden death...Leaving the person lost with guilt of "A what could of happened"...mentality...The monster embodies my own feelings towards losing the love of my life and what kind of person it would make me....

Which brings me to my new panel "La Nuevalitra" kinda of the birth of a slang word meaning "New Light" For me she really is the visual representation of my feelings towards the new year...the light at the end of the tunnel...The hope after the feelings of loss appear..

-Ill be trying to post progressions as I get more and more done...

Thank you Mona...


Wednesday, November 18, 2009

Bless Tempt ONE!!!

Caught this via.

They explain TEMPTS condition with in the video, I hope you all enjoy how this little device known as the eye tracker changes paralysis victims...To once again have a little freedom that we take for granted everyday of our lives...This gave me the chills....


Saturday, November 14, 2009


One of my most favorite people in the world Josef Jasso aka Gossip Photography...Will be showing new works at the PoP Gallery in Santa Fe...I'm so very proud of him...I feel special having the opportunity to see him grow from shooting out of his loft on the west side, to establishing himself outside of Albuquerque...He is the one person in my life who pushes me as an artist...These are the kind of people that are gems and should never be let go of...His work is amazing and should be seen by everyone...If you get a chance go by POP if not check out his website:


Thursday, November 5, 2009

May Halloween go on all year!

LUIS from diluvio on Vimeo.

LUCIA from diluvio on Vimeo.

This film, Luis, is the second short in a series titled Lucia, Luis y el lobo by Chilean artists Niles Atallah, Cristobal Leon, and Joaquin CociƱa. via.
