Tuesday, April 24, 2007

Friday the 13th

Otterpop here fresh out the pinta,

If you dont know, the pinta is jail and I was spending a 5 day vacation there chillin makin new friends. I spent most of my days reading and drawing pictures for my fellow pod members. I spent the nights rethinking the 13th over and over in my head. Trying to figure out how I went from work to the back of a squad car and finally in Echo-4 were I spent 5 days of my life. Yes I do write the graffiti or for more of an accurate statement I did write the graffiti. It has been a painful decision to let go of graff, but at this point in my life it just doesnt seem worth the trouble anymore. Having your freedom taken away really puts things in perspective. Okay so I was only in there for 5 days but believe me it only takes the first 3 to make you crack. I met some good people, lost some weight, cause if you didnt know jail food isnt edible. Thank god for my cellies George and Louis cause they fed me food that actually tasted good. I drew alot of pictures and I experienced lock downs, shake downs, the trading systems of jails, and meeting my future husband. FYI im not gay but if I was he would be my husband. Unfortunately I lost alot of things when I went in: friends, respect(although according to some of my friends I have street cred now,LOL!!!), time, and money. Jail wasnt to bad but it definitely isnt something that I want to do on a regular basis. Thanks to everyone that was there for me. To all my Echo-4 homies, there is always tomorrow. Glad to be out and back on track. peace.

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